Walking Football | wakefield-fc
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Wakefield Walking Football

The Centre is the Home of Wakefield Wanderers Walking Football Team

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Walking football is becoming a very popular sport here at Wakefield Football Centre and across the country as a whole.

The emphasis is on having fun whilst keeping fit!

We currently play during the  day however we are looking to introduce a Tuesday evening session of walking football.

We are looking to start evening sessions at 19:00 on 27 June to accommodate members who work during the day and find it difficult to attend the lunchtime sessions on a regular basis. 

We are also hoping to attract new members so if you know anyone who would be interested in playing please pass on or share our Facebook details with them  

We will be giving updates at all our regular sessions this week - Monday, Wednesday & Friday. 12:00 -1pm
Please get down for 11:45 to have a good stretch and warm up.
Our next fixture is the final Sheffield league fixture on Wednesday 28 June - more details will be posted during the week

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